

Distributed acoustic sensing, transfer functions and moment magnitude determination: application to high-frequency downhole data (pdf)

Boullenger, B; Butcher, AC; Paap, B; Vandeweijer, VP; Stork, S.

Geophysics 90 (3), 1-46


Enhancing Crosshole Surveys Using Distributed Acoustic Sensing at UKGEOS Glasgow Observatory, UK

Butcher, A;  Holmgren, J; Lapins, S; Werner, MJ; Chambers, J; Kendall, J-M; Verdon, J.

85th EAGE Annual Conference & Exhibition

Impacts of Deep Learning to Detect Induced Seismicity: a Case Study from Preston New Road, UK

Lim, C; Lapins, S; Segou, M; Rodríguez-Pradilla, G; Verdon, J; Butcher, A; Werner, MJ.

85th EAGE Annual Conference & Exhibition

Calibrated DAS Moment Magnitudes: Moving from Strain to Ground Motion Using Downhole Microseismic Monitoring Data

Boullenger, B; Butcher, AC; Paap, B; Vandeweijer, VP; Stork, S.

EAGE GeoTech 2024 Fourth EAGE Workshop on Distributed Fibre Optic Sensing


DAS-N2N: Machine learning Distributed Acoustic Sensing (DAS) signal denoising without clean data (pdf)

Lapins, S; Butcher, AC; Kendall, J-M;  Hudson, T; Stork, A; Werner, MJ; Gunning, J; Brisbourne, A.

Geophysical Journal International

Decoding the Coda: Crosshole Surveys using Distributed Acoustic Sensing at UKGEOS Glasgow Observatory, UK

Butcher, A;  Holmgren, J; Werner, MJ; Chambers, J; Kendall, J-M; Lapins, S; Verdon, J.

NSG2023 29th European Meeting of Environmental and Engineering Geophysics

Repurposing Legacy Boreholes for Microseismic Monitoring: Geothermal Case Study from Cornwall, UK (pdf; poster)

Butcher, A;  Holmgren, J; Soulas, S; Lim Shin Yee, C; Rodriguez, G; Wills, W; Kaack, B.

84th EAGE Annual Conference & Exhibition


Seismic noise interferometry and Distributed Acoustic Sensing (DAS): Inverting for the firn layer S-velocity structure on Rutford Ice Stream, Antarctica (pdf)

Zhou, W; Butcher, AC; Brisbourne, A; Kufner, S-K; Kendall, J-M; Stork, A.

Journal of Geophysical Research: Earth Surface

Local and moment magnitudes of Preston New Road seismicity, 2018-2019. (Dataset).

Kettlety, T.; Butcher, AC

A technology readiness assessment for CCS site monitoring systems (pdf)

Vincent Vandeweijer, Thibault Candela, Martha Lien, Uta Koedel, Thomas Fechner, Tiziana Bond, Wen Zhou, Antony Butcher, John Michael Kendall, Anna Stork, Rob Mellors

Proceedings of the 16th Greenhouse Gas Control Technologies Conference 

Monitoring CO2 injection at CAMI FRS using Distributed Acoustic Sensing networks (pdf)

Butcher, A;  Zhou, W; Vandeweijer, V; Lapins, S; Kendall, J-M; Boullenger, B; Papp,B; Broman, B; Stork, A; Macquet, M; Lawton, D.

Proceedings of the 16th Greenhouse Gas Control Technologies Conference 

Near-surface Monitoring of CO2 Storage Sites: Case Study from CaMI FRS

Butcher, A;  Zhou, W; Kendall, J-M; Stork, A; Vandeweijer, V; Macquet, M; Lawton, D.

EAGE Asia Pacific Workshop on CO2 Geological Storage

Enhancing Ambient Noise Interferometry for DAS: Selective Stacking and Hybrid Seismic Receivers

Zhou, W; Butcher, AC; Kendall, J-M; Stork, A.

EAGE GeoTech 2022 Third EAGE Workshop on Distributed Fibre Optic Sensing


Evaluating rock mass disturbance within open-pit excavations using seismic methods: A case study from the Hinkley Point C nuclear power station (pdf)

Butcher, AC; Stork, AL; Verdon, J; Kendall, J-M; Plenkers, K; Booth, F, Boneham, M & Koe, A.

Journal of Rock Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering

Distributed Acoustic Sensing (DAS) for natural microseismicity studies: A case study from Antarctica (pdf)

 Hudson, T; Baird, AF; Kendall, J-M; Kufner, S-K; Brisbourne, A; Smith, A; Butcher, AC; Chalari, A; Clarke, A.

Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth

High‐Resolution Imaging of the ML 2.9 August 2019 Earthquake in Lancashire, United Kingdom, Induced by 

Hydraulic Fracturing during Preston New Road PNR‐2 Operations (pdf)

Kettlety, T; Verdon, J; Butcher, A; Hampson, M; Craddock L.

Seismological Research Letters

Radon transform-based detection of microseismicity on DAS networks: A case study from Antarctica (pdf)

Butcher, AC; Hudson, T; Kendall, J-M; Kufner, S-K; Brisbourne, A; Stork, A.

EAGE GeoTech 2021 Second EAGE Workshop on Distributed Fibre Optic Sensing


Seismic Magnitudes, Corner Frequencies, and Microseismicity: Using Ambient Noise to Correct for High-Frequency Attenuation (pdf)

Butcher, AC; Luckett, R; Verdon, J P; Kendall, J‐M; Baptie, BJ.

Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America

Robust relationships for magnitude conversion of PNR seismicity catalogues. (Link)

Baptie, B.; Luckett, R.; Butcher, A.C; Werner, M. J.

BGS Open Report OR/20/042.

Interrogating the cryosphere using distributed acoustic sensing (DAS): examples of active and passive surveys in West Antarctica

Kendall, J-M; Brisbourne, A; Hudson, T; Kufner, S-K; Butcher, AC; Smith, A; Chalari, A; Clarke, A.

AGU Fall Meeting 2020

Advancements in distributed near surface imaging, an application of multichannel analysis of surface waves (MASW) using Distributed Acoustic Sensing (DAS)

David, A; Stork, AL; Butcher, AC; Curioni, G; Ouellet, V; Krause, S; Chalari, A. 

AGU Fall Meeting 2020


How big is a small earthquake? Challenges in determining microseismic magnitudes (pdf)

Kendall, J-M; Butcher, AC; Stork, AL; Verdon, JP; Luckett, R; Baptie, B. 

First Break

Extending local magnitude ML to short distances (pdf)

Luckett, R; Ottemöller, L; Butcher, AC; Baptie, BJ. 

Geophysical Journal International

Induced Seismicity at Thoresby Colliery, UK 

Butcher, AC; Verdon, JP; Luckett, R; Baptie, BJ; Kendall, J-M.

3rd Induced Seismicity Workshop, Schatzalp, Switzerland

Microseismic Magnitudes: Challenges in Determining the Correct Moment and Operating Regulatory Frameworks

Butcher, AC; Kendall, J-M; Luckett, R.

81st EAGE Conference and Exhibition 2019

Rock Masses Characterisation Using High Frequency Piezoelectric Systems

Butcher, AC; Ridsdale, A; Kendall, J-M.

25th European Meeting of Environmental and Engineering Geophysics

Seismic Evaluation of Excavated Rock Slopes at Hinkley Point C, UK

Butcher, AC; Stork, AL; Verdon, J; Kendall, J-M.

AGU Fall Meeting 2019


Microseismology: Characteristics, Magnitudes and Shallow Crustal Effects (pdf)

Butcher, AC.

 PhD thesis, University of Bristol

Seismic Imaging of Rock Disturbance in Excavated Slopes

Butcher, AC; Stork, A; Koe, A; Verdon, J; Kendall, J-M. 

24th European Meeting of Environmental and Engineering Geophysics


Seismicity induced by longwall coal mining at the Thoresby Colliery, Nottinghamshire, U.K. (pdf)

Verdon, JP; Kendall, J-M; Butcher, AC; Luckett, R; Baptie, BJ. 

Geophysical Journal International

Local magnitude discrepancies for near‐event receivers: Implications for the UK traffic‐light scheme (pdf)

Butcher, AC; Luckett, R; Verdon, J P; Kendall, J‐M; Baptie, BJ; Wookey, J.

Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America

Geophysical investigations to assess the extent of disturbance in excavated rock faces at Hinkley Point C

Stork, AL; Butcher, AC; JP, Verdon; Koe, A. 

23rd European Meeting of Environmental and Engineering Geophysics. European Association of Geoscientists and Engineers


Magnitudes Scale Discrepancies for Near-Event Recievers

Butcher, AC; Luckett, R; Kendall, JM; Baptie, BJ; Verdon, JP; Wookey, J. 

Seismological Society of America, Annual Meeting, Reno

Monitoring Induced Seismicity; Discrepancies in the Local Magnitude Scale and Implications for the UK Traffic Light Scheme

Butcher, AC; Luckett, R; Kendall, J-M. 

AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts


Towards an Improved Understanding of the Signal Generated by an Underground Explosion: Case Study-Wookey Hole Caves, Somerset, UK

Taylor, J; Butcher, AC; Kennett, K; Horleston, AC. 

AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts


Seeing beneath the soil (or how to avoid unexploded bombs and unexpected archaeology) (pdf)

Brown, M; Butcher, AC.


Archaeological by-products of unexploded ordnance

Butcher, AC; Brown, M. 

Recent Work In Archaeological Geophysics


Characterisation and Clearance of Ordnance on Former Military Ranges

Butcher, AC; Hodkinson, B. 

17th European Meeting of Environmental and Engineering Geophysics


The search for Palmer's Chamber, Lamb Leer, Somerset, United Kingdom (pdf)

Butcher, AC; Murphy, PJ; Beaney, S; Clark, R. 

Cave and Karst Science